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  • Year 6 Heart Dissection

    Published 25/04/24

    Year 6 children at Shawfield recently participated in a heart dissection as part of their science curriculum.
    This hands-on activity was designed to enhance their understanding of the cardiovascular system and human anatomy.

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  • Message from the King

    Published 18/03/24

    Our Year 6 children embarked on a powerful journey last half term, penning letters to various organisations and charities to shed light on key local, national and international issues. This endeavour, integral to our English curriculum, is aimed at honing their writing skills while instilling a sense of community responsibility.

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  • World Book Day Celebrations

    Published 07/03/24

    World Book Day was a resounding success at Shawfield School this year, with children of all ages coming together to celebrate their love for reading. The event, held on March 7th, saw children from different classes sharing stories and engaging in a variety of book-related activities.

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  • Shawfield Star at the O2

    Published 16/01/24

    We are immensely proud to announce that our KS2 Choir recently had the incredible opportunity to perform at the O2 Arena as part of the prestigious Young Voices concert series. This event, which brings together school choirs from across the country, is one of the largest children’s choir concerts in the world.

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  • Year 4 Explores Viking Life at Hooke Court

    Published 06/11/23

    Our Year 4 class recently enjoyed an immersive residential trip to Hooke Court in Dorset, diving into Viking history as part of their studies. This hands-on experience brought the Viking era to life through a variety of engaging activities.

    Children earned about traditional garments and their significance. They prepared and enjoyed a Viking feast, enhancing their teamwork and cooking skills. A highlight was the longship building workshop, where children constructed a model longship, applying their knowledge creatively.

    Exploring a recreated Viking village, children participated in crafts like weaving and blacksmithing, gaining insights into Viking daily life. Evening storytelling sessions around the campfire featured captivating tales of Viking gods and heroes, sparking imaginations.

    The trip was a resounding success, providing our children with invaluable knowledge and experiences. Thank you to Hooke Court staff, staff volunteers, and all the parents for their support.

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  • Year 6 visit the Houses of Parliament

    Published 03/10/23

    Our Year 6 recently visited the Houses of Parliament for the People’s Parliament Workshop, an immersive dive into democratic processes. Led by enthusiastic guides, they toured Westminster Palace, soaking in its rich history. The highlight was the workshop, where they explored the changes to voting - including the critical role of Suffragattes, increasing people's rights to vote.


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  • Star Warts - The Umpire Strikes Back

    Published 11/07/23

    Children from Year 5 and 6 entertained parents and family members at our recent performance at the Farnham Maltings. Photos from the event will be made available to the children via their school Teams' login. Please remember that these are for personal memories and must not be shared on social media platforms. 

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  • Guildford Shakespeare Company @ Shawfield

    Published 27/03/23

    Shawfield School was approached in November to participate in a Spirt of Youth programme. 10 children from Year 5 worked together with residents of Japonica Court to create a 15-minute version of Romeo and Juliet. The play was presented to friends, family and local residents. It was a great way to introduce the children to the work of Shakespeare and helped the children to develop resilience and confidence. 

    The Spirit of Youth programme provided the children with unique opportunities to form new bonds and relationships and work towards a common goal. 

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  • Year 4 attend Winchester Science Museum

    Published 24/03/23

    We are delighted that Year 4 were able to attend Winchester Science Museum and Planetarium last Friday. 

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  • School Open - 8th March - SNOW

    Published 08/03/23

    Today children and staff from across the school enjoyed learning and playing in the snow.

    Staff were impressed by the teamwork displayed with the number of Shawfield Snowmen created. 

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  • Hindleap Warren

    Published 22/01/23

    January saw our Year 6 children head to Hindleap Warren in East Sussex. 

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  • Year 2 win the Ann Wilson MBE Best GRT Community Garden Award

    Published 30/09/22

    In May, Miss Taylor and her class entered a Gardening Competition run by the Surrey Gypsy Traveller Communities Forum (SGTCF).  They designed and created a small garden using plants in the colours of the Traveller Flag and decorated it with horses and wagons. 

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  • Paul Hay E-Safety Workshop

    Published 28/09/22

    Our children love to use the internet specially to play games and to communicate with their friends. The way they start using computers and the guidance they are given at this young age can set them on the right path to being safer in later life.

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  • Meet the Teacher

    Published 28/09/22

    A big thank you to all parents and carers who were able to attend Meet the Teacher events last week. Hopefully, this has been useful to share information about the year ahead and helped to introduce our new staff.
    We are also aware that it was not possible for everyone to attend due to prior commitments. Handouts and information will be added here over the coming days and will be available on the Class Pages section of the school website.  

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  • Phonics Information Evening

    Published 21/09/22

    It was great to see parents and carers attend our Phonics Information Evening.  Teachers explained Shawfield's approach to phonics and early reading, giving parents and carers advice on what they can do at home to support their children at home in learning to read.

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  • Shawfield marks the passing of Queen Elizabeth

    Published 16/09/22

    We were deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Having celebrated her platinum jubilee earlier in the summer, our whole school community send their thoughts and condolences to King Charles III and members of the royal family.

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  • Shawfield Perform at the Farnham Maltings

    Published 07/07/22

    Children from Year 6 and 5 performed in Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies at the Farnham Maltings on 7th July.

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  • Key Stage 2 Sports Day @ Ash Rec

    Published 01/07/22

    Children took part in a range of competitive events at Ash Rec on Friday 1st July. A big thank you to parents can carers for coming to cheer the children on. It was fantastic to see the children compete and support each other throughout this event. A huge thank you to Ash Parish Council for allowing us to hold our Sports Day at the Rec and for painting lanes for the event to take part.

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  • Year 6 Residential to Avon Tyrrell

    Published 27/06/22

    Children in Year 6 have been having a hugely enjoyable and educational time at Avon Tyrrell, a residential centre based in the New Forest. They have been taking part in a wide range of adventurous, fun and forest learning activities. These included raft building, canoeing, rock wall climbing, zip wire, as well as many other activities.

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  • Year 6 - Junior Citizen @ Guildford Fire Station

    Published 19/05/22

    Children from Year 6 joined forces with schools from across the county to take part in a series of workshops held at Guildford Fire Station on Thursday 19th May.

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  • Shawfield Choir Perform at the O2 Arena London

    Published 04/05/22

    Our incredible choir joined forces with children from across the country to take part in the Young Voices 2022 concert.  This is the first time we have been able to take the children to the O2 since the start of the pandemic, whilst the return saw Young Voices celebrating their 25th anniversary. 

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  • Ramadhan and Eid Assembly

    Published 04/05/22

    We were delighted that children and their families, from across the school, were able to lead Whole School Assembly on Tuesday this week.

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  • Stone Farm 2022

    Published 25/03/22

    Year 5 have returned from their week-long residential to Stone Farm in Devon.

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  • World Book Day 2022

    Published 08/03/22

    Children across the school dressed to celebrate World Book Day 

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  • Children from Year 1 at Gilbert White's House

    Published 01/02/22

    Children from Year 1 recently visited Gilbert White's House in Petersfield.

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  • Surrey Fire and Rescue visit Chestnut Class

    Published 31/01/22

    We were pleased to welcome firefighters from Surrey Fire and Rescue who worked with our children from Chestnut class.

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  • Christmas Links Winners

    Published 02/01/22

    Congratulations to our Christmas Links winners. 

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  • Year 6 Bikeability Level 2

    Published 25/11/21

    A number of our Year 6 children have undertaken their Bikeability Level 2 course in school this week. Bikeability is the government’s national cycle training programme. It helps you learn practical skills and an understanding of how to cycle on today’s roads. Bikeability gives everyone the confidence to cycle and enjoy this skill for life.   

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  • Year 4 Bikeability Level 1

    Published 23/11/21

    A number of children from Year 4 successfully took part in their Level 1 Bikeability this week.  

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  • Odd Socks Day

    Published 15/11/21

    Odd Socks Day was a great way to celebrate what makes us all unique in Anti-Bullying Week!

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  • Children In Need 2021

    Published 12/11/21

    Children at Shawfield took part in Children in Need, raising money to support the lives of the children and young people across the country, including supporting local charities in Surrey and Hampshire.

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  • Remembrance Day - Ash Memorial

    Published 11/11/21

    School Ambassadors attended the Ash Memorial to reflect on the sacrifices made by members of the local community throughout conflicts around the world since the First World War. 

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  • Hooke Court 2021

    Published 06/11/21

    Our Year 4 children went to Hooke Court in Dorset for 3 days of residential learning.

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  • Harvest Festival

    Published 08/10/21

    A huge thank you to the school community for their support of our Harvest Festival.

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  • Shawfield awarded Surrey Healthy Schools Status

    Published 19/07/21

    Shawfield Primary School is currently one of only three schools in Surrey to have been recognised as developing the new Surrey Healthy Schools approach to wellbeing, health and achievement.

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  • Shawfield recognised for its support with Young Carers

    Published 30/06/21

    Shawfield Primary School has been recognised by Surrey Young Carers as a school which is 'Young Carer friendly'

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  • Stone Farm 2021

    Published 29/06/21

    We are pleased to share some photos taken at the Stone Farm residential this year.

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  • Year 3 Young Voices - Biggest Sing

    Published 15/06/21

    Our wonderful Year 3 children, who took part in Young Voices - Biggest Sing

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  • EYFS Playground Update

    Published 02/03/20

    We are delighted to announce that the work to enhance our EYFS environment is now complete.

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  • Young Voices Choir

    Published 11/02/20

    Congratulations to our Young Voices Choir who performed at the O2 Arena. 

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  • Willow Class welcome Michael Gove

    Published 07/02/20

    This Friday 7th February, children from Willow class welcomed local Surrey Heath MP Michael Gove to our school. Mr Gove MP was responding to letters written by the children after their visit to Parliament in September where many of the children wrote about Road Safety concerns in Winchester Road and within Ash. 

    He and his team listened to a presentation from the children and answered questions, including about his favourite football team QPR.  He hopes that his support will see improvements made to the road directly outside school. 


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  • Chestnut Class Nativity

    Published 20/12/19

    A fantastic way to end the Autumn Term, our Chestnut class nativity - presented to school on the last day of term.

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  • Christmas Fun Day

    Published 18/12/19

    Children took part in Christmas Fun Day - working in their family groups to undertake baking, party games and Christmas shopping. We were also very lucky to receive a visit from Father Christmas in the morning. 

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  • Christmas Lunch

    Published 17/12/19

    Gallery of Christmas Lunch and Christmas Hat competition

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  • Everyone Loves a Baby - KS1 Nativity

    Published 12/12/19

    Our children in Beech and Maple class shared two fantastic performances of Everyone Loves a Baby. A huge thank you to parents, carers and family members who were able to come and share this fantastic experience. We are very proud of our wonderful children. Wishing our community a happy and peaceful Christmas.

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  • Choir perform at the Shawfield Day Centre

    Published 10/12/19

    Choir were delighted to perform to residents and clients at the Shawfield Day Centre on Tuesday 10th December. The children sang a range of Christmas songs and carols. It was great to share their wonderful talents with others in our local community. After singing the children wnjoying spenfding some time taking to residents.  

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  • Year 6 Bikeability

    Published 06/12/19

    Congratulations to all our Year 6 pupils who completed their Level 2 Bikeability course back in November. It is fantastic to share this wonderful achievement with the whole school community.

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  • Maths Mastery Approach at Shawfield

    Published 22/11/19

    It was great to welcome parents and carers to our first Maths Information Workshop held in the school hall this week.

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  • Year 4 Hooke Court Residential

    Published 11/11/19

    We are delighted to share some of the photographs taken at the Year 4 residential last week. 

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  • Farnham and Ash Cross Country

    Published 14/10/19

    Congratulations to all of our runners who took part in the Farnham and Ash Cross Country this weekend.

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  • Year 1 Outdoor Learning in Ash Village

    Published 10/10/19

    On Thursday 10th October, Year 1 went out of school to study the geographical features in and around Ash village. The children visited shops, the canal, the recreation ground and walked down a number of different streets and roads. Thank you to parents and grandparents who were able to accompany the children on this trip.

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  • EYFS Outdoor Area Phase 2 - Commencing October 2019

    Published 26/09/19

    EYFS Outdoor Area Phase 2  - Commencing October 2019

    The Senior Leadership Team and the Governing Body are delighted to announce that Phase 2 of our plans to develop the Early Years Outdoor Area will take place in October 2019. This will see a soft playground 'wetpour' surface across the area including a roadway, alphabet and number circles. In addition, we will be installing new trim-trail equipment and play safe artificial lawn increasing the useable space for our Year R cohorts.  

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  • Times Table Rockstars at Shawfield

    Published 20/09/19

    Today marks the launch of our Times-Table Rockstar programme. Children came into school dressed as rockstars and musicans. 

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  • Year 6 - Houses of Parliament

    Published 11/09/19

    On 11th September 2019 Year 6 visited the Palace of Westminster. The children visited The Houses of Parliament for a tour and a workshop linked to “People, Power and Parliament.”

    The children demonstrated excellent communication skills and showed a great passion for democracy . 


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  • KS2 Performance at Farnham Maltings

    Published 15/07/19

    Many congratulations to all the children who took part in the Key Stage 2 performance at The Farnham Maltings on Tuesday this week.

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  • Year 5 Surrey Get Vocal Performance

    Published 06/12/18

    ​A big congratulations to Year 5!

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  • Shakespeare Festival at G-Live

    Published 29/11/18


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