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Governing Body

About The Governing Body

Governors are people who wish to make a positive contribution to the school and the education of its children. The Governing Body’s overriding responsibility is to work in partnership with the Senior Leadership Team to promote continuous improvement in the school’s performance. This involves working with management and staff to formulate an improvement plan, setting challenging but achievable targets and interpreting information to assess progress and to monitor appropriate action. Linked to its improvement role, the Governing Body is there to be a critical friend which is a balance between supporting and challenging the performance of both the Senior Leadership team and the school. Part of the role of the Governing Body is to ensure that the school is accountable to the children it serves, to their parents, and to the staff it employs, and also to its local community.

Governor Responsibilities

The Governing Body as a whole has a number of responsibilities, some relate to:
•Supporting and leading the school in developing its values and ethos
•Ensuring the requirements of the National Curriculum are implemented
•Setting policies
•Monitoring the annual budget and ensuring best value is achieved 
•Recruitment, and selection of the Headteacher, and employment of Staff
•Ensuring the fabric of the school buildings are kept in good order

Structure of the Governing Body

Governors come from a variety of backgrounds and bring a range of skills and knowledge. This includes two Parent elected Governors, two staff Governors including the Headteacher. Associate governors may be appointed as required, but do not have voting rights.

The Full Governing Body (FGB) meets on average six times a year. In addition, monitoring visits are undertaken throughout the year.

Minutes of recent Full Governing Body minutes are available on the school website; earlier minutes are available on request.

The Governors also meet as part of two committees to review School Finance and Staffing and to further explore Curriculum and Standards. These committees ensure work is spread across the governing body, drawing upon individuals' areas of expertise. It allows staff to report to the governing body in more detail and improves knowledge sharing. Committee chairs report back to the full Governing Body, meaning that governors can use time more efficiently in full Governing meetings. 

Financial Information

The Government expect schools to publish salary information for staff who earn £100,000 or more.
No school employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000. 

This link provides information to the Schools Financial Benchmarking Service. 

Keeping in Touch

The Governors naturally work best when they are closely in touch with the priorities of the children, parents and teachers. If there is an issue you would like to raise, please feel free to contact the Governors via the Clerk.  

The Governing Body welcomes any comments or suggestions. Please leave a note for us at the school office via or email us at the following address: